Friday, December 21, 2012

The New American Immigrants

1. Which was NOT a reason why native-born Americans encouraged Americanization?
B. Native-born Americans wanted the immigrants to practice their customs

2. What were cities most like for the new immigrants coming to America?
A. Clean and welcoming

3. What would best describe the cities to a new immigrant?
B. Plenty of police harassing new immigrants

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge

1. In it's entirety, labor unions were (good or bad) and why?

Based upon what I have read, labor unions were good for employees because they could demand for their rights like to have less working hours and not to get exploited.

2. Describe the sweatshop and how 146 women died in a fire, and how it could have been prevented.

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because fire spread through the oil-soaked machines and piles of cloth. These deaths could have been prevented if the owner would had unlock the other doors so that the employees could escape or have the sprinkler system so that the fire could be put out.

3. What is a scab and why would unionized workers not like scabs?

Monopolists did not want unions because the owner would have to put his prices up and customers wouldn't want that . Union members did not like scabs because scabs were hired to the replace workers that are in the Union.

4. Describe the type of people who formed the IWW Union. What does IWW mean?

Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because .

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake

1. What are three pieces of information you choose? Why did you choose the three?

*This cartoon signifies the cruel treatment by the wealthy industrialists toward their workers.
*Laborers were forced to work fourteen to sixteen hour work days in order to fulfill their quota, they worked in unsafe conditions.
*The workers were overworked and underpaid.

I choose these three pieces of information because this is how labor workers were treated by wealthy industrialists and how they work in factories.

2. Were labor unions necessary? Why?

Labor unions are necessary because they could protest for their rights like for better working conditions, higher wages, and shorter work days.

3. Did the government help make monopolies? How?

4. How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are The Old Bosses Still in Charge?

1. What is the setting for the cartoon? 
The setting of this cartoon is in the U.S. Senate.

2. What entrance is open, and what entrance is closed?
The entrance of the monopolist's is open while the people's the entrance is closed.

3. Who do you think the large men at the back of the room represent?
The large men in the back of the room are the rich men that own big corporations.

4. Why would the large men be in the room in the first place?
To see if senate people are going to change the law that affects their business so that they would help the rich men.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of Industry & Monopolies

1. What were the three main causes of industrial growth in America?
  • The three main causes of industrial growth in America is the wealth of natural resources, government support for business, and provided both cheap labor and markets for new products.

2. Trusts and Monopolies during America's early industrial age created corporations to make more money than ever by getting rid of the government law's that would get in the way of there Trusts and Monopolies by paying a person of the Senate to make them get reelected but in exchange they want them to make the laws that affect them to make them weak.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Because of Electricity

Machines need power

Because of electricity

We can use machines

                            My haiku and my images show my understanding of importance of electricity to people and business because my haiku is saying that machines need electric power in order to work and that my images say that these two inventions are mostly used by people like the telephone to communicate to other people from long distances and the light bulb to be able to see during the night much better.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Major Events Before The Civil War

Around 1858, the United States was divided geographically-north and south-with the South rely on enslaved labor force because they want to be more agriculture and the North don't rely on enslaved labor force because they want to be more industrialize.

The country was so divided by the issue of slavery, California would have needed the Compromise of 1850 that would please both the northern and southern states.

Around this time, many southern states were seriously considering to secession as a state that will be leave the Union or the United States.

Many people from the North hated slavery, that a group Northern called Abolitionists that have build a system of escape routes that are called the Underground Railroad.

When Uncle Tom's Cabin was published, the northern people increase their protest, while the southern people thought of it being an attack to them.

Two politicians became famous for their slavery debates because both don't want slavery territories but both had different ideas of how to get rid of slavery. Lincoln would want to give slaves natural rights, while

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Election Analysis

Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington
Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"
"Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights." 
Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority" 
"The Drug Enforcement Administration reiterated its stance that marijuana is an illegal drug and that possessing, using or selling it is a crime."
What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product?  
"Analysts had projected the Washington voters would approve their legalization ballot, because it proposes a heavy tax for marijuana that made the proposal attractive to budget hawks. The Washington initiative calls for a 25% tax rate imposed on the product three times: When the grower sells it to the processor, when the processor sells it to the retailer, and when the retailer sells it to the customer."
Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?
"Voters shot down a third legalization referendum, in Oregon, which was expected. Analysts had projected that it wouldn't go through and criticized various aspects of the initiative, especially the fact that it would have handed most of the regulating power in the marijuana industry to the growers rather than independent overseers."

    Obama Victory Tweet
    What audience did the article say social media was targeted to? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

    According to the article, which candidate was most effective using social media? (cite a passage from the article)
    -According to the article the candidate with most effective use of social media is Barack Obama.
    This approach climaxed on results night with the Democrat using email and Twitter to announce his victory to supporters - even before he had made his speech.
    According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why?

    Monday, November 5, 2012

    Immigration / Industrialization Key Terms

    Progressive Era / Movement-

    Muckraker- reform journalists who publish their work in popular magazines.

    Social Gospel- a movement that would get rid of things that are evil to the Christians.

    Social Darwinism-
    Nativist / Nativism-

    Europe (Eastern & Southern)- Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain.

    Political Machine-
    Andrew Carnegie-
    Horizontal / Vertical Integration-

    Upton Sinclair- An American author who was a candidate for governor of California.

    Meat Inspection Act-
    Trust / Monopoly-
    Hull Houses (Settlement Houses)-

    Jane Addams- she is the founder of the Hull House in Chicago, and leader of women in suffrage.

    Cesar Chavez- American farm worker who became a labor leader and is co-founded the National Farm Workers Association.

    Immigration Act of 1965-


    Alexander Graham Bell- Scientist, engineer, and inventor of the first practical telephone

    George Eastman- American innovator and founded of a company that invented the film.

    Thomas Edison- A man known for inventing many devices like the motion picture camera, and the electric light bulb.

    Henry Bessemer- An engineer known for improving the process for making steel.


    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    Diary Entry #7

                                     Dear Diary,

                 It's me, Chayton today on December 4, 1819 in Pennyslvania today I might end up dying because of a disease that I caught and so this will be the last time I will be writing in my diary, but today when I was coming back from work I was thinking of my life that I had been living for like 343 years and during all those years I had experience a lot of things like when Christopher Columbus took some of my people away to somewhere else and when this country struggle for rights for women, slaves, and us Indians and also when this counrty had problems with France and when the Anti-Federalists demanded the Federalists to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. And well since I won't live long I want to make a prediction of 20 years from now how would the land in 2019 will look like in this country will be filled with people from different countries and they will all have rights in this country.

    Monday, October 29, 2012

    Diary Entry #6

    Dear Diary,

                 It's me, Chayton today in 1819 when I was walking back from work I was thinking that this country only started with 13 states or the 13 colonies. These 13 states are Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, New Hampshire,  Massachusetts, and our state Pennsylvania. And also that this country now has 21 states because of 8 new states that were added and these new states are Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. And I saw on a newspaper that the Anti-Federalists had demands in order to give their support to the Constitution and their demand was that they add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution to show the rights that people have. And so the our president James Monroe was to accept their demand and added the Bill of Rights into the Constitution.

    Wednesday, October 24, 2012

    Diary Entry #5

                Dear Diary,
     It's me, Chayton today in 1798 in Philadelphia I was coming back from work when I read on a newspaper that the U.S.government had two problems and now had to resolve these conflicts. One of the problems was that U.S. does not want to have war with France, because they did not want this country to be in danger of being taken over by France so he found the solution by sending three men to settle things with Talleyrand, but that he sent three men and that Adam's calls them the "X,Y, and Z". That the French demanded a $250,000 bribe as payment for seeing Talleyrand. And that they called this insult the XYZ Affair and made Americans feel Anti-French from this insult. And President Adams did not want damage his reputation as President so he agreed to pay, but the federalist were against his idea and wanted a full-scale war against France. After that they had another problem but this time it was in our country and it's because of the Federalist that put four measures that became to known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. The first three measures known as the Alien Act that it raised the residence requirement for American citizenship from 5 years to 14 years and allowed the president to deport or jail any alien considered undesirable. The fourth measure is known as the Sedition Act that sets fines and jail terms for anyone trying to hinder the operation of the government or expressing false statements against the government.